
Plasma Fibroblast Services Include:

Forehead Lines $250

Eleven Lines $150

Entire Forehead $380

Upper Eyelid Lift $250

Under Eyes (Bags & Puffiness) $250

Upper & Lower Eye Combo $400

Crows Feet $200

Nasolabial (Smile Lines) $285

Lip Flip $250

Full Mouth $500

Full Face Combo $800

Jowls $250

Neck Lines $200

Neck/ Jowls Combo $400

Both Hands $350

Elbow Lift $250 

Breast Lift $600

Belly Button $300

Full Stomach $600

Buttocks Lift $1000

Thigh Lift $1000 

Buttock/ Thigh Lift Combo $1500


Scar Rejuvenation

Skin Tag Removal (up to 20)

Small/ Medium Tattoo Removal

(These are priced at consultation)


*More package deals available upon request.

*Prices adjusted for second treatment, as needed.

Referral Rewards

Earn discount rewards for each referral you send to Timeless Beauty Studio!

How does it work?

You refer a friend, they receive a Plasma Fibroblast treatment, and you earn 20% off your next treatment. 

The more you refer the more you save!

And guess what?

Through your rewards you have the potential to earn not just one free treatment, but up to THREE free treatments as a thank you for referring Timeless Beauty Studio services. 
