Frequently Asked Questions

Does Plasma Fibroblast hurt?

A topical anesthetic is applied to the area being treated as this procedure can be a little uncomfortable. You may feel a slight burning sensation as the skin becomes heated, but that burning sensation is similar to that of laser hair removal. The topical anesthetic helps to make the procedure tolerable. 

How long does it take for the scabs to fall off? 

Scabs usually fall off within the first 7-10 days. You will have a sunburn sensation on the treated area for approximately 8 weeks. Redness will depend on how your skin reacts to treatment. Some see redness go away after a few days, while others experience redness longer.  During those 8 weeks of healing, you DO NOT want to pick at any of the scabs for that will not only delay the healing process, but could also cause scarring.  After care instructions will be provided to you at the time of your appointment. 

How many treatments are needed? 

The number of treatments required will depend on the area being treated, skin laxity, your desired level of correction, and your individual response to treatment. Most see results instantly and continue to see improvement over the course of those first 8 weeks. Additional treatment can be done to achieve better results, however, your skin will need AT LEAST 8 weeks to recover before continuing treatment on that specific area. You can treat surrounding areas in the meantime, just not the treated area until you have completed your 8 weeks of healing.  

How long do the results last? 

While the effects of Plasma Fibroblast are not permanent you can expect results to last approximately 3 years. This treatment will not stop further aging and to achieve long lasting results you may need to make some lifestyle changes. Some of those changes may include reduced prolonged sun exposure, smoking, alcohol consumption, and more that impact the skin's aging. You will want to add a good SPF into your morning routine. We can cover all of this more in depth at your appointment if you have questions. 

How soon can I wear makeup?

For optimal results, it is best that you do not wear any makeup on the treated area(s) until the scabs have fallen off and healed. This gives your skin a chance to breathe, heal, and reduces the risk of creating accidental scarring or damage when removing the makeup from prematurely healed skin.